Our much loved, brilliantly gifted and deeply dedicated Or-
ganist/Choirmaster, Canon Precentor William ‘Pat’
Partridge, has shared his intention to retire. Pat has given
nearly his entire career to this cathedral, diocese and commu-
nity, and to the many talented musicians who have spent a sea-
son of their lives offering their choral gifts as members of the
Cathedral Choir under Pat’s generous and knowledgeably
skilled direction.
We would like to offer him a heartfelt gratitude purse to sup-
plement his retirement. Contributions may be made to Christ
Church Cathedral with “Pat’s Gratitude Purse” on the memo
line. You can also contribute by credit card on the Christ
Church Cathedral website by clicking here.
Also, we are collecting cards and notes of love and thanksgiv-
ing for Pat and for his brilliant gifts shared among us for more
than 42 years as colleague, dear friend, chef, teacher, musician
and enthusiastic educator in the wider community. Please send
your cards and notes to: The Very Rev. Kathie Adams-Shepherd,
Christ Church Cathedral 1210 Locust Street St. Louis, MO 63103
or email Dean Kathie.
It has been a truly wonderful gift and enormous blessing to share
in ministry together with Pat. I consider him a dear colleague and
beloved friend as do so many. I thank God for bringing us together
for a season in this place and for the friendship that will certainly
— Dean Kathie +